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Working with clay is one of the trades most taught from generation to generation, as it sometimes appears as an interesting possibility, which ends up making many artists and craftsmen with feeling and enthusiasm take up this profession as their own.
This activity also develops the creativity of everyone who experiences it. The clays used for this type of work are usually mixed with other clays and minerals that help us model and shape thanks to their plasticity, texture, color and qualities such as shrinkage on drying, breaking point and firing point.

Zacapoaxtla offers its visitors a wide variety of articles molded in clay, made by the hands of Zacapoaxteco potters, which you can buy every day in the municipal market or if you prefer on Wednesdays in the traditional Zacapoaxtla market.

Litzi Guadalupe Tamanis Bonilla

Soy originaria de Zacapoaxtla y me dedico a la elaboración de productos de barro, yeso y arcilla. Tazas, lamparas, dulceros, alcancías, decoraciones para el hogar, recuerdos, vasos y platos decorativos.

  • Calle 16 de Septiembre, Xalacapan centro, Zacapoaxtla, Puebla.

Tel: 55 86 75 8393
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